Attack Of The Robot Unicorns
In a quirky, intense yet somewhat relaxing take on an insane childhood dream, Adult Swim creates one of the strangest games out there. Jumping and smashing your way through a rainbow pixie land you accumulate score as you try to avoid the inevitable fiery death, certainly worth the typical app store fee.
Although glitchy with its random generation which allows many exploits and awkward moments, the game in essence is great. Two simple controls, relaxing and comedic music make this an entertaining and insane game.
Also included is leader board features for you hardcore arcaders out there, lets make this game a classic eh?!
The two play styles I use playing Robot Unicorn Attack are 'high flyer' mode, in which I jump and sprint as high as possible to stay away from the dangers of the ground, and 'low flyer' when I stay on the ground as much as possible and use my reflexes. Some tips for getting extra points is simultaneously collecting pixies, smashing as many stars as possible and staying alive of course!
Adult Swim Website - Game can be found for free (PC only) here.