The Walking Dead, a popular comic and television series, got its game adaptation back in April 2012. Released in stages as episodes throughout the year, it finished up
in November last year with its retail hard copy soon following.
The Walking Dead has its exciting, fast action moments as well as in
depth dialogue where you get the constant feeling of
anticipation, waiting for the moment when you’re going to have to
make your move. You take the role of lee, a convicted murderer who is caught in
the chaotic world of zombies, survivors and guns, lots of guns.
For those that have not entered The Walking Dead universe before, I will
set the scene. The world has been struck by a deadly virus,
spread through scratch or bite. First the victim contacts
a malevolent fever, from which they quickly die, but soon after they
begin to walk, searching for food and people to strip of their scrumptious body
parts. This leaves the survivors to survive by any means possible, morals are
out of the question for some.
Bandits, walkers, the sane and the insane, survivors and the dead, The
Walking Dead makes for a thrilling and emotionally intense game.
The detail into not only the comic like graphics, but also the
story continues to amaze and that is why it is a smash hit
throughout the industry. This point and click
adventure truly expands the boundaries of the genre, more of an
interactive movie in itself. If you haven’t tried it out yet, head
over to the app store and try out the first episode for free, the Walking Dead
is something that you must experience.
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